Monday, March 31, 2008

The Mist

So I watched The Mist last night. I have got to say that this movie is one of the best horror/suspense movies I have seen in recent years. The feeling of real fear that envelopes you as you watch it is unbelievable. I kept finding myself wondering what the hell I would do if I were in this situation. Well done Mr. Darabont (with the exception of your ending of the film, which was incredibly depressing)

Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm LOST Without LOST

How can I be expected to wait a month for a new episode? COME ON!?!?!

Goodbye Everyone

I'm shutting down my blog. I can't possibly hope to top Jim Bradford's grocery store rant.

Adios amigos, lol.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some People...

Just have no clue how to act normal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bad Decision Theatre

St. Patrick's Day Edition

Starring Matt Williams

Like Jim always says... We all have regrets.

Getting drunk on a Monday night and getting up at 6 for work the next morning is one of mine.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday Night Memories

It's the Shamrock Jambox aka "The Shambox"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Today Is One Of Those Days...

Where I would give anything to be able to go home after work to spend time with Jenny and Milo. But I can't.

Damn you work meeting. DAMN YOU TO HELL!

Introducing Mr. Milo

My new buddy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You Know How I Know I Suck At Life?

I'm the only person that views my own blog page! LOL

Besides Jim, of course, without whom I would be completely comment-less.

So muchos kudos to Jim.

I Hate Stupid People!

This about describes how I feel right now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Come On.. Live A Little..

So yeah..

Anybody else think that Courtney Cox might have made a better Joker than Heath Ledger? Or is it just me??

What A Douche...


Season 4 Episode 6 is on tonight. God I can't wait. So many questions that need answers. So many answers that lead to more questions. What a great fucking show.

**Decent episode. I'm not usually a fan of Juliet-centric episodes, but what can you do? I wanna know who Ben's man on the freighter is!!**

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tourette's Guy - NSFW

If you have never seen the Tourette's Guy - check him out immediately.

WARNING: you may experience side-splitting laughter or unexpected urination.

Wanna Know How I Know That I'm Gay?

Because I am going to be watching the season finale of Project Runway.

(Heidi Klum is crazy hot... that's enough to put up with all the gayness of the show)

I can't believe Christian won. He is so disgustingly homosexual. (and yes, I am saying that like it's a bad thing because it is). I was rooting for Rami all the way.

Movie Madness

Is anyone else CRAZY excited to see these movies?


I got a haircut yesterday.

$20 for a haircut.

Can you believe that shit?

First Blog

This is way better than blogging on Myspace.